Der Song erschien am 07. Juni 2024
Die Lieder wurden geschrieben, produziert und interpretiert von Andersen Storm. Das Album erschien am 2020-08-07. Enthalten sind die Lieder “Yes, No, Maybe” und die deutschsprachige Version “Nu nee, is klar” (Sommerhit).
Yes, No, Maybe
Yes, no, maybe, this is a summer hit.
It is wonderfully light and soft.
You shake a leg and take the summer mood and this summer hit on a summer trip.
Until you will finally dance.
You heard the song somewhere on the street.
You liked it right away.
It is so friendly and fun.
It makes you want to go away onto a summer vacation.
Let us share it with everyone.
Yes, no, maybe, this is a summer hit.
It is wonderfully light and soft.
You shake a leg and take the summer mood and this summer hit on a summer trip.
Until you will finally dance.
You heard the song on your favorite radio station.
You liked it right away.
You make a ringtone out of it
and share it in the schoolyard.
And so, it will be here to stay.
Yes, no, maybe, this is a summer hit.
It is wonderfully light and soft.
You shake a leg and take the summer mood and this summer hit on a summer trip.
Until you will finally dance.
Yesterday you heard this song some sung along at the party.
You liked it right away.
It lifts the mood and make you swing.
You are known for spreading a good thing.
And so, you play this song today.
Yes, no, maybe, this is a summer hit.
It is wonderfully light and soft.
You shake a leg and take the summer mood and this summer hit on a summer trip.
Until you will finally dance.
Yes, no, maybe, this is a summer hit.
It is wonderfully light and soft.
You shake a leg and take the summer mood and this summer hit on a summer trip.
Until you will finally dance.
Yes, no, maybe, this is a summer hit.
It is wonderfully light and soft.
You shake a leg and take the summer mood and this summer hit on a summer trip.
Until you will finally dance.
© Andersen Storm 2020, All rights reserved. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.