Two Hearts

TWO Hearts Remix 2024 Release 2024-11-29

Das Lied wurden geremixed, produziert und interpretiert von Andersen Storm und erschien am 2024-11-29.

Two Hearts (Andersen Storm) © 2021,
Lyrics Version 2024-08-03

To get two hearts connected / is different than we know.
You have to be honest, / and give your trust to grow.
You also must uncover / what longing truly means.
What is your heart’s desire, / in life, in love, in dreams?

He walked the extra miles, / as the sun was going down.
The sea shone with a golden light, / yet he didn’t turn around.
His heart felt heavy, empty, / seeking reasons why.
Despite the love he’d given, / his well of joy was dry.

Their hearts had clung together / for many years gone by.
They had children, shared their decades, / a tender bond for life.
But their bond grew rough and fragile, / his heart was bleeding
Until he stumbled away / and lost himself at that.

His journey seemed unending, / a path so hard and lone.
With solid ground beneath him, / he found his love had grown.
To get two hearts connected / is different than before.
When each heart’s light gets brighter, / it’s blessing evermore.