New Year New Luck

Single "New Year New Luck" (2021)

That is the name of my new song releasing at February 1st 2021

One reason to start the blog here is to practice writing in English language. I use helping tools as given by Google or Deepl as well, sure. But the creating moment is completely thought and written down in English. I’m happy I can do so after a lot of self-learning through the last five years. Of course with apps usable on the cellphone and on the computer, so the device wasn’t that way deciding nor an apologize not to do so. And here I am–ready to talk to the world. I’m kidding. I’m not. But I understand and got a kind of poetic sense for lyrics, my own at least. And there are more important things for me today than someone who’s making fun of me because I mispronounced and used some words wrong.

Most important for me is now releasing my music and trying to make it heard.

I started in early 2020 a project in my home office, to record all the songs I had written over the years (decades, many) because I had not or the archives are gone with lost storages on electronic devices. I used Samplitude by Magix as d DAW more than ten years to be prepared even for this moment. And I had so much fun and wanted to sound better an more modern and mixed and mastered to give it away in an acceptable quality. All the years I had waited for someone who would offer me help with that, but no one came to Bützow or Schwerin. I couldn’t blame them. Why someone should? And so I recorded my music as a therapy to find me back in the essence of the songs and to show me my most wanted way to go on further.

The whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts.

I have had on the outgoing summer a result. A homemade mixed and mastered album of my fav songs in German I could use as a overproduced demo or as a product itself. It’s still in my drawer, that moment I write this blog entry. I heard it yesterday last time and decided what to do with it. But I will tell you later in another blog. After finishing the recording and producing sessions I work on the whole spring and summer 2020, I wanted to know it. At first: How to let out a release in 2020? What have I to do, to know, to apply, to pay, to charge, to lose, to decide and so on. And than: So if I have have not an German audience for now, should I do it better for an international audience? What could be a strategy to get one and to improve it?

Long Story short I could but …

Most important in beeing a musician is, I bet you knew it, making music. Most important in beeing a self publisher is publishing consistently. The industry can push a song with pressure in delivering channels and air play to refund. I can’t. I need the “shortcut” of the audience. There are differences between “making” a hit and creating a song, record, mix, master, publish and marketing it all by yourself. You bet. But that’s ok. It counts already because you need money to make a living too. Today I have 22k listeners and 37k streams on Spotify and as god as zero on other platforms. (I don’t know yet how to push songs with a small budget in other platforms. I will learn it hopefully.) That isn’t worth the payout. But I am a newcomer on this. And it will take time. But the next release is here! And I named it as a sign to myself. The lyrics refers to the Corona virus that breaks me out for doing all the other stuff I wanted to do last year.

“New Year New Luck” as a statement to come over the weird times

you don’t will get us, we will get you
you don’t have had us, we will have had you
it was confusing, a little sad too
you will be gone

Lyrics from New Year New Luck

It’s weird itself? Yes, I think so. To switch from a horrible year to another one would be too sad. So it was necessary to fight it with energy and crossover power. What I did, I think 😉 And the second reason for that song was to try out some synthesizers. It’s part of my way of making music to write and produce whatever comes to me. The connecting element should be my voice. I hope to find an audience that will appreciate different styles and experiments.

That’s what I want to say for today. Stay at home and stay healthy! All of you! 🙂

PS: You can hear my songs on most of the streaming platforms. You can use this surfboard:

PPS: You can find a video on Youtube (as weird as the song, but find me a sense in a pandemic ;-))

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